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Jesus, The Soul Food Provider

Nov 24th 2023, 4:41 pm
Posted by candywere5
My father died on April 6th 2004, as i was sitting at the beach in Goa, India, with my wife and 2-3 friends, enjoying sunset. Than my sister's text message came saying: 'He didn't make it again. He's gone'. I conveyed my companions the message and especially started crying, remembering how his father also died the same way, as he was away in Pakistan. I ordered three glasses of port wine, and a coke for my wife, and all of us wished daddy a good journey beyond.

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Truth be known - there is no truth become known. Believers can't prove that its true and Scientists can't prove that it is not (without a doubt). So, if the to have faith in reincarnation, it's personal choice that grouped into the realm of faith. Now such open faith usually resides in the hearts of those people who also have confidence on a higher power. A God above all. And with high level belief in God, many, many things become future. Reincarnation is an easy concept to assume.

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It important for he to realize that he isn't like additional animal. He's evolved into spiritual being and she can feel happy only of he moves in the path of Spiritual techniques. Therefore, instead of only satisfying only the requirements the body, one also must satisfy the requirements the soul. Only once the soul is satisfied, a male can realize true happiness and serenity. A man with hungry Buddha is as frustrated and dissatisfied for a man with hungry body. It is only by properly understanding the sign with the hunger of soul like hatred, restlessness, frustration, injustice , can easily identify that our souls are empty and work towards fulfilling its needs.

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