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Conflict Ball - tv Tropes

Aug 18th 2023, 9:21 pm
Posted by bertiemess
In season four, Ruon Tarka factors out there are different universes apart from the evil mirror one, together with a (probably mythical) paradise one known as Kayalise, and even constructs an interdimensional transporter to attempt to get there. Star Trek: Enterprise also spent a pair episodes here, just to hammer it home that Humans Are Bastards. A typical feature of many episodes is for whichever character is providing exposition to summarize a whole civilization's culture in just a few sentences.- TOS had, amongst different things, a planet of Space Nazis, a Mafia-run planet and a planet inhabited solely by transplanted Native Americans. Many episodes revolve around one of the crew being kidnapped, threatened, or otherwise in hazard, and having the remainder of the crew band together to save lots of them. Planet Baron:- In "The Conscience of the King", Kodos the Executioner, while initially a respectable governor, was quickly dictator of the world Kirk grew up on after declaring Martial law on account of a famine and executing a big chunk of its population to save the others. No Such Thing as Space Jesus: As a result of unimaginable variety of Sufficiently Advanced Aliens that Starfleet comes across just inside the immediate vicinity of the Federation, skepticism ranges are off the charts

One famous privateer was Sir Francis Drake. Cerebros" again and again, which is a cheeky Shout-Out to zombie flicks like the Return of the Living Dead, since it means "Brains" in English. - There's another one which may even give a bilingual player an advantage: When the Ganado sneak up behind Leon, they often say "ยก A little Lily Princess: Mariette, Sara's French maid, has several lines in French that do not get any kind of translation, so they're finest understood by a participant who can read French. After scoring his sixth profession grand slam in the final race of the season, Hamilton ended the season with 11 wins (matching his previous greatest in 2014 and 2018) and 17 podiums (matching the all-time report for a fourth time) as well as reaching 5 pole positions. Haward, Marcus (3 July 2014). "Editorial". Hern, Alex (July 25, 2016). "Nintendo shares plummet after it points out it doesn't make Pok

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